Tag Archives: brush

Online Raffle – Cosmic Narl


Cosmic Narl
19 cm diameter
Ink on wood

Narl has always been with me whether I am aware of it or not. It’s very comforting and I adore her forever for that.  She has had quite a transformation over the years. She started as a black panther…with a bit of gold.

“Study Of Narl” detail

Then I had a dream where she changed to predominately yellow with peachy coloured patches that inspired this piece.

“Calla Narl” detail

And now she has evolved to “Cosmic Narl” which is ultimately a precursor to a painting I will do of her whole body, which will be really exciting to paint!

To enter this Online raffle you must buy tickets! It is only $5 a ticket. Anyone in the world may enter! (I’ll pay for the shipping.)

If you buy 4 or more tickets you get an A5 print for free! Go to my Etsy store and let me know which image you want.


The winner will be announced on Sunday 18 May 2014. Good luck!

A Week in the Rain


I made this work specifically for a Pozible campaign that was created to help an indigenous nomadic peoples maintain their culture. Read all about it here:

Penan Children’s Book by Blake Kendall

“A Week in the Rain” was silent auctioned off to raise funds towards this cause. It was a great experience making this work. I only gave myself a week (Thus the name! Though I didn’t do it in the rain).

Blake Kendall’s original paintings for the children’s book.